How do I get PPPremier Timer to always be available?
You can put an alias to the timer in the Startup Items folder in the System Folder. In the Finder, select the PPPremier Timer icon, then choose "Make Alias" from the File menu. Move the alias to the Startup Items folder.
Why doesn't the Additional Info Window report the connection speed?
This function only works with Apple's OT/PPP. It won't work with MacPPP or FreePPP.
Why doesn't the Additional Info Window correctly report the I.P. information?
The I.P. information may not always be accessible to PPPremier Timer.
Why doesn't Command-Esc hide the globally floating window?
If another application that uses Command-Esc is running, it may be "stealing" the keys, and PPPremier Timer won't know the keys are being pressed.
Known Problems and Incompatibilities
A small number of users have reported unusual side-effects when using PPPremier Timer, such PPPremier Timer affecting the ability to subsequently reconnect, to have a connection time out, or the Timer acting as though it suddenly disconnected and reconnected. These behaviors are being investigated.
PPPremier Timer's "About" window may be incompatible with a shareware utility called "Mousigator."
Technical Support
The latest version of PPPremier Timer is always available at:
Questions, comments, and suggestions can be sent to: